So this is the first really creative class I have taken since I was probably 16 years old (the most recent one being darkroom photography which I adored). When I found out that this class ran until 9pm, I was slightly worried just because I knew if we were going to be reading or discussing theories then I would zone out at roughly 7:30pm as my brain does just tend to switch off from studying at that point! It therefore came as a relief when I realised what the class actually entailed. I come to class every week excited about what we will be doing that day, as most things we have created so far are novel to me and it’s fun to let myself be free and creative. My favourite week so far was most definitely creating the magazine transfers. I am a very organised person and I know how abstract the ideas are in 6x1, but I still can’t help but to organise my thoughts and whatever I construct must have some sort of linear quality to it. For this project, I used the wedding magazine and cut out meaningful words and pictures to go together and give an overall sense of a ‘wedding day’. Being given the opportunity to do this makes me realise that I can be creative and artistic, I just never really let myself go there day to day. It’s very inspirational.
6x1 has opened up a whole new world to me; one that I didn’t even know existed. I may be naive but I had never thought about camera less filmmaking until this semester. To be able to see the work that you have created through the projector is pretty cool and it feels much more personal than if you had used a camera to make a film. I mean, who knew that scratching a piece of film with pins and sandpaper could produce such interesting and unique results? Not me! It is a completely different experience. Even though this class is not typically ‘academic’ in the fact that it we are not necessarily studying an academic’s work and writing long papers, I feel as though I have learnt just as much, if not more in this class than in any of my others this semester. Not only that, but it is a refreshing way to learn. It is great to get away from the books and the theories from a while.
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